
It has been said that active service and involvement in church allows you to develop and cultivate a relationship with the rest of the church family and that it is also vital for your growth and development.

At Impact Family Church we truly are a family and we believe that as each member is actively involved and as they contribute their time, talents and resources, that we will see God’s vision, mission, and mandates accomplished.

God has placed gifts and talents in every individual and those gifts are given to us so we can impact the people around us, including our local church.  Our hope is that you partner with us and that you actively move from being a spectator to being a contributor so you can make a significant impact in the lives of the people around you.


Attend our Transformation Track.  The first session is an introduction to Impact Family Church.  You will find out who we are, how we began, our purpose, where we are going, and what we believe.  You will also be given the opportunity to become a partner with us through membership.   Click here to find out more about the Transformation Track and to schedule your class.