
We are excited to share the preliminary designs of the future home of Impact Family Church!



The story of The Building His Impact Project…

In 2021, the Lord directed us to “sell our building, look for land, and get ready to build.” The new location will allow us to increase our impact in the community by providing space for a Bible school, a child careCenter, a 300-seat sanctuary, a multipurpose building to host events and recreational leagues for the community, and a Christian School. This is the assignment that God has put in our hearts as a church, and we have committed ourselves to fully completing every detail of this assignment.

Before we listed the building, the Town Administrator called to ask if we would be interested in selling the building to the Town. The building was one of the town’s last historical buildings and they believed it would be the perfect location for the town library.

At the direction of the Lord, we sold the building to the town in July of 2022.  They were gracious in giving us our asking price and the approval to stay in the building for up to six months. Additionally, they approved the use of the old Town Hall meeting space on Sundays, after the six months should we need it.  We are so grateful to God for the favor He has given us with the town leadership. They have been a blessing to work with.

On January 29, 2023, we began meeting in the Dighton Old Town Hall on Sundays and that is our current meeting place.

On June 6, 2024, we purchased 6.82 acres of land in Dighton! We thank God for His faithfulness and we thank each individual who is standing in faith with us as we continue to take bold steps of faith to build a building in which God will be honored and glorified.

Watch the Building His Impact reveal service and hear about our next steps…

If the Lord leads you to partner with us financially, it’s easy to do so —just click below and you’ll be directed to our giving page. We appreciate your support and may the Lord richly bless you!